Block Retaining Wall
Hills Farm and Nursery, Inc is a family business started by Tom Howe in
1970. Previously, Tom worked for nine years with his father, Frank
Howe, at Clarendon Gardens in Pinehurst. Tom's two sons, Tommy and John,
have been with the landscape and nursery business full time since the
early 1980's. This experience and consistency within the business enable
us to serve you in a superior manner.
Aurora Hills Landscaping, Tommy Howe (910-695-8551)
, provides a wide range of landscape services. There is no cost or
obligation for an initial visit and inspection. A Registered Landscape
Contractor will visit the site, upon request, and discuss your landscape
needs. We recommend that water erosion control be the first topic
discussed. Second, we should discuss any hardscaping needs; such as
driveways, retaining walls and bulkheads. Next, planting and irrigation
will be discussed.
We recommend that the homeowner visit the nursery to inspect and
choose landscape material. At this point a landscape design will be
drawn to your specifications using the landscape contractor's expertise.
Aurora Hills will make any necessary changes in the plan during the
planning phase.
Our fleet of landscaping equipment includes one of the largest tree
spades in the Sandhills, which is capable of relocating existing trees
before construction begins. Other equipment; dump trucks, back hoe,
ditch digger, front end loaders and a variety of tractors for any
landscape need. This equipment can save the homeowner money by
eliminating sub-contract fees.
Aurora Hills Nursery has 100 acres of container and field grown
landscape material in production. This means the plants are well
acclimated to the sandy soil of this area, and because we grow our own
plants we can offer savings to our customers.
Look for our maintenance schedule coming soon to this Web site.